Forum Discussion

fernando_miguel's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

New Jenkins TestComplete Plugin Released to publish MHT reports in JUnit format


I am Fernando Miguélez and I have been a user of TestComplete and TestExecute for almost a year. We use those both to test mainly Flex applications.

We use Jenkins actively to continuously build and deploy software but also to perform integration (unit) and functional (with TestComplete/TestExecute) testing. We have been looking forward to hearing from an official Jenkins plugin so TestComplete/TestExecute tests could be more maneageable. Our daily functional tests are generated in MHT format and it takes a lot of manual intervention to figure out what happened with every functional group (we have to download it and open int in Internet Explorer that we happen to use only for that, Firefox or Chrome are our preferred browsers).

After waiting for so long and after gathering some experience with Jenkins development I decided to create my own Jenkins plugin. Today I would like to proudly announce the availability of new Jenkins Plugin: TestComplete xUnit Plugin. Just look for it in "Manage Plugins" option of your Jenkins installation.

This plugin basically converts MHT TestComplete/TestExecute reports into JUnit format that Jenkins can interpret and handle, so you can benefit from quick failure list review, tendency graphs, failure history, etc.

I am not affiliated with Smartbear and my release happened to coincide in time with official release of official TestComplete Jenkins Plugin. My plugin is lighter and only applies to publishing. Official Jenkins Plugin from Smartbear is a full blown plugin to directly invoke TC/TE from Jenkins but leaves small room for customizations. In our case we already had set up our integration with Jenkins by means of many tweaks (batch scripts, Jenkins slaves setup, execution rules, etc.) so we only needed the reporting part. Thus if you start out with a fresh Jenkins integration you may prefer to go with official plugin, but if you happen to come from an existing integration my plugin could be more helpful.

I hope you enjoy it. ;-)

10 Replies

  • y_baskoro's avatar
    New Contributor

    HI Fernando, 


    I have a few problem with the plugins, it keeps complaining to me the following on Jenkins console:

    [TestComplete] Test runner exit code: -8 (An internal error occurred. Please contact SmartBear's Support Team).
    [TestComplete] [WARNING] Unable to find the log file "3428949.tclogx".
    [TestComplete] [WARNING] Unable to find the log file "3428949.htmlx".
    [TestComplete] [WARNING] Unable to find the log file "3428949.mht".
    [TestComplete] [WARNING] Errors occurred during the test execution.
    [TestComplete] Marking the build as UNSTABLE.
    [TestComplete] [WARNING] Unable to publish test results (xml data is empty).
    [TestComplete] The test execution finished (NV12_AutoSanityTest/GeneralSanity_TestSuite).

    Could you help me resolve this?


    Kind Regards,


    • pbielinski's avatar
      New Contributor



      I have similar problem (error).


      Also my test is not ends - when I abort I have such error:


      [TestComplete] [ERROR] An exception occurred:
      FATAL: null
      	at com.smartbear.jenkins.plugins.testcomplete.TcTestBuilder.publishResult(
      	at com.smartbear.jenkins.plugins.testcomplete.TcTestBuilder.perform(
      	at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$3.perform(
      	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(
      	at hudson.model.Build$
      	at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.doRun(
      	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
      	at hudson.model.Run.execute(
      	at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(


  • dpasto's avatar
    New Contributor

    Excellent plugin - easy to use and very flexible.  

    However it doesn't work with TestComplete v11 MHT files.  Any chance of an update to support those?