Forum Discussion

kcsahu777's avatar
13 years ago

Change Namemapping dynamically?

Requirement- multiple web browsers will be launched with same application urls and different user ids say U1, U2, U3, U4.

When the test case for U1 comes then directly run test case on the launched application with U1 login

When the test case for U2 comes then directly run test case on the launched application with U2 login..etc

Reason of doing this is, the login and logout takes much time.

Can we name map one launched application and dynamically set the root element based on the userId.

Note: After login the user ID is getting displayed as a label in the screen.

We can use find child but if namemapping of root element can be changed dynamically then it  can help?

2 Replies

  • If the object you would tie to project variables is not the root object (such as the onscreen name you mention), you can make the root object and any intermediaries use the "Required Children" selection to distinguish based upon the child object.