Forum Discussion

MW_Didata's avatar
Regular Contributor
10 months ago

Alternatives for "SelectedTab [Set]"

We are updating our software to .Net 6, and I noticed some action aren't available anymore.   SelectedTab is still availible but doesn't work anymore. Logs say: Unable to find the object WinFormsO...
  • MW_Didata's avatar
    10 months ago

    Here to update in case anyone else runs into this issue,


    I found a way around this problem. TC didn't see the tabs as object so click would always click on coordinates. Yesterday I was on a call with Smartbear and they showed me the following:

    By putting the parent object in the MSAA list.  Project properties > Open applications > MSAA

    TC is now able to see them as objects, which is great now i can just use a click on them and all is solved.

    Since sometimes some tabs don't exist, I can now use an if object exists ...


    This works great for my tests, and might even be a better way to test than before.


    Here is the object spy now able to recognise them as objects


    Anyways, this issue is now solved. This ticket update is just to help the future people that google this issue in 5 years.