Forum Discussion

saju's avatar
Occasional Contributor
17 years ago

Configuring soapUI

Hello All ,
I have just started using soapui. I am finding it hard to start by.As i have been  into manual testing from many years, i am not technically sound.But now i have the need of testing web services.I have the following queries:
1)Do i need a server(like jboss) on my local machine in order to run  soapuo.
2)Is there any document which specifies on how to set up the soapui.I went through the user manuals but couldnt find much information.

4 Replies

  • Hi,

    There always is a step to move from Manual Testing to Web Service testing, the thing I've noticed to be the most difficult is moving into working in the Abstract world of web services. Software testers in general  finkd that easy, but coming from manual testing it is kind of hard. Don't give up though, it will come to you. 

    I don't know what Opeerating System you are using, but if you're a windows user, you should be able to download the installer, install, and run soapUI, simple as that. So the answer to the questions are:

    1) Nope, no server is needed.
    2) There is no need to set it up. It is an application that should run all on its own.

    So, here is  my suggestion;
    1) download either soapUI Installer from
    the Pro Trial version from,com_wrapper/Itemid,41/.
    2) Install it.
    3) Start soapUI from the startmenu or from the desktop icon.
    4) Follow etiher the getting started tutorial
    or use the included Sample project . Actually the last one might be a good starting point if you're not technical.
    5) If you have troubles getting it started just come back with questions. We're here 

  • saju's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    thanks niclas for a very positive and encouraging answer.
    I am just trying out with some sample things.
    Hope to come back soon with some sensible queries.
  • hi...i'm newbie with soapui..i'm trying to install it using windows installer and i get this error message

    " Could not create this file ..\lib\xbean-fixed-2.4.0.jar.."

    Please advise.
