Forum Discussion

ByteFlinger's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

[Reg] Variables not replaced in JMS messages?

I am playing around with Hermes and soapUI to try and send xml messages directly to an AMQ.

I have managed to configure hermes and add a JSM endpoint in soapUI and send a message to the queue however all variables inside the XML come out as text rather than having them replaced with the actual values of the variables.

I could not find a preference anywhere about variable replacement and since it is working fine on all my REST methods and testsuites I guess this is a bug on the product.

Could anybody confirm?


5 Replies

  • I have the same issue here, did anyone find a solution to this? The property variable doesn't get replaced, it treats it as regular text when sending the JMS xml message.

    I.E ${#TestCase#OrderNumber} should be replaced by the actual value on run time

  • bonsino's avatar
    New Contributor
    I can confirm that this is a bug! I've reproduced it with SoapUI 4.5.1, 4.6.2 and 4.6.3. When I change the endpoint of the request from JMS to a HTTP-Endpoint property expansion works.

    When will this get fixed? Any workarounds?
  • bonsino's avatar
    New Contributor
    I can confirm that this is a bug! Reproducible with SoapUI 4.5.1, 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 using a Hermes JMS endpoint. When I change the endpoint to property expansion works as expected.

    I've set up a REST Request with PUT-Method sending to OpenMQ using Hermes JMS. The request is put in the queue but without properties being expanded.
  • Hi,

    I've confirmed this is a bug with REST request step. It works using a SOAP request step.
    I've opened an internal defect of SOAP-1251 for this.

    Thanks for reporting.