Forum Discussion

wvdzwetTM's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Pipeline Azure DevOps fails, error saying it is not a composite project, but it is

I want to run a project through an Azure DevOps pipeline. I've set up the pipeline and followed the instructions, but when I run the pipeline it fails after a few seconds with a message that the project is not a composite project.


I have checked the project properties in ReadyAPI and "Composite Project" is TRUE.


What might be going wrong here?


I have pipelines running for other projects which don't have this issue.

  • Hi Richie,


    Thanks for your reply. The project runs fine in ReadyAPI. Project properties indicate that it is a composite project. 


    After digging a bit further I am actually leaning more towards an issue with the agent set up in Azure DevOps. 


    The agent I've set up creates a \_work folder followed by numbered subfolders. I've noticed if I set up the wrong \_work folder the build returns the composite error. I assumed the build would just clone the project from GitLab that is set in the connection being used by the pipeline and then overwrite the project in the \_work subfolder. But the composite error also appears when the \_work subfolder is empty.

    In the folder structure there is also a folder \SourceRootMapping and I think this does the check if I'm using the correct \_work subfolder. After some digging I found the correct subfolder and corrected the pipeline settings for this and now the pipeline is running as expected.

2 Replies

  • wvdzwetTM's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi Richie,


    Thanks for your reply. The project runs fine in ReadyAPI. Project properties indicate that it is a composite project. 


    After digging a bit further I am actually leaning more towards an issue with the agent set up in Azure DevOps. 


    The agent I've set up creates a \_work folder followed by numbered subfolders. I've noticed if I set up the wrong \_work folder the build returns the composite error. I assumed the build would just clone the project from GitLab that is set in the connection being used by the pipeline and then overwrite the project in the \_work subfolder. But the composite error also appears when the \_work subfolder is empty.

    In the folder structure there is also a folder \SourceRootMapping and I think this does the check if I'm using the correct \_work subfolder. After some digging I found the correct subfolder and corrected the pipeline settings for this and now the pipeline is running as expected.

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey wvdzwetTM,

    Without knowing anything about your projects or setup helping is difficult, however im leaning towards the fact that the project may have become corrupted in some way.....does the project still open successfully within ReadyAPI ok? Thats typically the first indication either its got malformed xml in there or that characters have been substituted due to corruption and so theyre not recognised by the UTF-8 charset.

    Obviously its difficult to identify corruption in multiple files (project composite), but if i were you id try the following:

    1. Revert the composite to single flat .xml within ReadyAPI
    2. Save the file
    3. Close ReadyAPI
    4. Reopen ReadyAPI ensuring the project is still accessible and isnt corrupt in ReadyAPI
    5. Re-convert back to composite saving any changes
    6. Try running the pipeline again

    Thats all i got at this point,

