Installing Test Complete License manager on VMWare
Hi Folks, I see a few posts about the need for a physical box for the install of License manager and the CPUID etc but no actual details for its setup on VMWare specifically. We currently have 3 parts to our setup: 1) Developing license (seated), each QA will install it on their primary machine. 2) Test execution - floating license, can run on VM's 3) License manager For this question I only care about License Manager. With Covid we are shrinking our physical footprint which means I need to move everything I can into a virtual environment. For us I have a VMWare infrastructure up and ready to go. This consists of 3 Physical Hosts (we are fairly small) with very decent specs. Each host is identical, the VM We will be hosting License manager on will be Server 2019 Datacenter. What if anything do I need to set within either VMWare Host settings or Inside the guest OS to make this function and not break due to license evaluations/checks within the software? I would really appreciate specific's within VMWare, I am astonished the software does not have the ability and/or recommendation to be installed on a VM. I understand the need to protect licenses but there must be a better way to make this easier on your customers too. Any and all help appreciated.700Views0likes3Comments