Getting HTTP/1.1 404 error on ReadyAPI REST virtual service on specific resource paths
Why is readyAPI responding with a 404 error when the recourse path is set other than ```/test``` in a REST Virtual service. **/test** ``` Sun May 29 16:42:53 BST 2022: DEBUG: http-outgoing >> POST /test HTTP/1.1 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 0 Host: localhost:9019 Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/16.0.1) Sun May 29 16:42:53 BST 2022: DEBUG: http-incoming << HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sun, 29 May 2022 15:42:53 GMT Content-Type: application/xml Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Length: 1249 Server: Jetty(9.4.40.v20210413) [0x1f][0x8b][0x8][0x0][0x0][0x0][0x0][0x0][0x0][0xff][0xcd]W[0xdb]r[0xe2]F[0x10][0xfd][0x15][0xad][0x9e][0xb9]H[0x2]q+[0xca][0x15][0x8c]|[0x8b][0x8d][0xa1][0x0]o[0x92]J[0xb9][0xa8]A[0x1a]`6[0x92]F;3[0xda]][0xd6][0xcb][0xd7][0xe4]G[0xd3][0xad][0x1b][0x17][0xcb]v[0xaa][0xe2][0xad] 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Jetty(9.4.40.v20210413) 0 ``` Are there any specific rules to set the resource paths? I intend to set the resource path as /messaging/v1/messageDefinitionSends/ for the first action(SendEmail) but it's failing. second action SendToken is behaving the same, if the path is set as /test it response with a 200 ok status but returns a 404 error on setting the path to /v2/token. Groovy scripts are used for creating the response. any explanation for this behavior in ReadyAPI?Solved3.2KViews0likes4CommentsVirtual service: reading the request headers in code injected into a response
Hi, SmartBear Customer Care sent me here when they couldn't find an answer for me. We have set up a virtual service with ReadyAPI that's working well when we run it locally, and it's also working when we run it in a virtserver and have only one user accessing it. The service is keeping a small amount of state to simulate changes to a database. We used a simple load test to show that our service has a race condition that can cause it to return the wrong data up to 10% of the time, so we can't recommend rolling out the service to our broader organization yet. We're trying to support the stateful service for multiple users by reading a "clientId" header in the request and dynamically generating the name of a property in order to look up its current value that can be unique for each client (the value is set in a different request). What's working for a single user now is that we have script code that sets the property, and then we inject this code into the response to return the per-client property value: mode="${#MockService#${#MockService#clientId}-mode}" This fails our load test probably because the time between running the script code to set the (global) property and running the code in the response gives an opportunity for another request to overwrite the property value. To be clear: we have script code for this response (not shown here) that sets the property, and to inject a value into the response, we also have the code above directly in the response that reads both the clientId and the unique property value for the client. The scripting environment and the syntax for code in the response is somewhat different than in the script, and we have found very little documentation on what we can do with this code in the response. One fix we tried didn't work, where we tried to access objects that are available in script code: mode="${=def clientId = mockRequest.getRequestHeaders().get("myClientId").get(0); context.expand("#MockService#" + clientId + "-mode")}'" Turns out we can't access mockRequest in the response: mode="No such property: mockRequest for class: Script36'" I know we can store these per-client properties in headers instead of properties, but for that to work, we still have to figure out how to read the request headers in the response code. Anyone have ideas for a solution?2.2KViews0likes9CommentsAdding a number to resource path
Hey everyone, Sorry if this is a silly question, I'm new to the platform. But I have a few endpoints here that are gonna be used for load testing, and need to be able to handle order numbers in the resource path. For example, One endpoint is "/v1/status/online" which I have setup fine. But I'd like it to be able to return its normal 200 response when someone hits the endpoint like "v1/status/online/23243223" (some random order number, different every time). What would be the best way to go about this? Another example is I have an endpoint that is "v1/order/status" that needs to be able to return a response to "v1/order/234234(again, random number)/status." Thanks for any help/insights.1.3KViews0likes5CommentsCan I create soap virt by recording
Hi, I am trying to create soap virtual services simply by routing and recording but the request is not getting routed to live. It just shows the Received request count as 1 but nothing is updated in Transaction Logs tab. I do not have the wsdl. Have just pointed application to ReadyAPI endpoint as proxy for recording. Any help with this scenario will be highly appreciated. Thanks!1.1KViews0likes2CommentsRouting with Rest API Path
I have multiple APIs that have the following structure: without equal marks or distinguished parameters ( ive been trying to try to extract it using a variable but isn't successful ( check the screenshot) any ideas?1KViews0likes0CommentsVirtual Service - Conditional Routing based on request data and database lookup
For ReadyAPI Virtual Service, Is there a way to route based on the value of a database query (augmented with some request value)? I have a request with no static identifier, the only identifier is a guid (a random string of alpha numeric characters). I would like to perform a database look up on what user/value this guid maps to and then decide to route it or not. I know there is database sources, however most documentation cites datasources for use in the response. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks!839Views0likes2CommentsBehavior Settings ServiceV Pro
We have various performance requirements for our virtual services. E.g. 300/500/700/1000 tps. I am looking for the recommended Behavioral settings for Server Capacity under Hardware for a virtual service in ServiceVPro in order to meet the tps requirements as above. The documentation link I shared talks about where to set the values to tweak performance capabilities but I am looking for guidelines to set those. there an option to change Java version in ReadyAPI?
I am building war file and ReadyAPI is building it using Java 17. I want it to build it on Java 8 without using older versions of ReadyAPI. Is there any option to change java version in latest versions of ReadyAPI? Thanks611Views0likes0Comments