While I am writing test cases. At the time of testing I am facing an issue.
Hi all. Below is my test case code in bdd python. So here I have written the test cases and everything is working fine But i am facing an issue with this error 1. selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element not interactable (Session info: chrome=94.0.4606.54) *here is my code* *.test.feature* ``` Feature: Vikreya login Scenario: Login to vikreya with valid parameter: Given I launch chrome browser When i open vikreya web page And click on login button And enter username "aalamkazi24@gmail.com" and password "aalam@123A" And click on submit button Then user successfully login to the web site ``` *test.py* ``` from behave import * from selenium import webdriver @given('I launch chrome browser') def launch_Browser(context): context.driver = webdriver.Chrome() @when('i open vikreya web page') def open_vikreya(context): context.driver.get("") @when('click on login button') def click_login_btn(context): context.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//body/div[1]/div[3]/button[1]").click() @when('enter username "{user}" and password "{pwd}"') def input_validate(context, user, pwd): context.driver.find_element_by_id("asadSalima").send_keys(user); context.driver.find_element_by_id("asadAlam").send_keys(pwd); @when('click on submit button') def click_submit(context): context.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[contains(text(),'Log In')]").click() @then('user successfully login to the web site') def success_lunch(context): text = context.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Welcome back! Alam')]").text assert text == "Welcome back! Alam" ```954Views0likes1CommentUnexpected window message generating error and failing test
Hi If someone can point what is happening here and how this can be fixed I am testing desktop winform based app i am clicking a submenu item, on click a confirmation popup appears and yes button on confirmation popup is clicked, that is it. When I run my function it works correctly AUT works correctly as expected yet Testcomplete logs as unexpected window error message I am struggling to find why does it show this message first it is not unexpected window, it is expected window second expected window is handled and closed , AUT works correctly and closes popup yet it logs unexpected window could not be closed message On menu click there is no other window appearing except confirmation popup which is expected Here is my function function ReleaseMF() { OpenManifestForm(); LoadManifest("MFTransh1"); ClickManifestMenuRelease(); LogMessage( " after submenu release click") PopupCloseWithTimeOut(popupQuestionCaption,btnYesPopup, 4000 ); LogMessage( " after popup has been closed"); } Thanks Gagan808Views0likes2Commentskeyboard Input Disabled
hello everyone, i have a problem and i need help. when i run my project, errror message appears. "Unable to process keyboard input into the disabled control." before the recording prosess i can confirm that my keyboard has entered a value and i used "Delay" but not working well.1.1KViews0likes3CommentsObject btn search not found
hello everyone, i need help i have a problem when i playback the recording TestComplete for Dekstop and i receive an error as follow: There was an attempt to perform an action at point (51, 13) which is transparent or out of the window bounds. Tested object: Aliases.NFS_ApplicationBrowser_Shell.HwndSource_ViewHost.ViewHost.btnSearch (Sys.Process("NFS.ApplicationBrowser.Shell").WPFObject("HwndSource: ViewHost", "").WPFObject("ViewHost", "", 1).WPFObject("gridMain").WPFObject("TaskViewHost", "", 1).WPFObject("taskViewHostGridOuter").WPFObject("AdornerDecorator", "", 1).WPFObject("taskViewHostGrid").WPFObject("mainScroller").WPFObject("taskArea").WPFObject("BAST01104V", "", 1).WPFObject("Grid", "", 1).WPFObject("KSDTaskArea", "", 1).WPFObject("KSDSearchArea", "", 1).WPFObject("KSDSearchTable", "", 1).WPFObject("KSDTableInSearchTable", "", 1).WPFObject("KSDSearchButtonAreaInSearchTable", "", 1).WPFObject("btnSearch"))Solved797Views0likes1CommentMFC application testing
Hello, During creating many functionalities inside our application I observe a strange bahaviour of TestComplete and Windows handlers. Sometimes window handlers inside my application change the naming and after this the elements are not accessible by TestComplete. Intelligent Quality Addon helps with many situations but not with all of them Our app is based on MFC and for example I see the situation: All of there windows are the same (but only one of them exists in one time). Of course I can handle this issue like: if exists .... but I wonder if there is any other fancy option to handle these issue in testComplete Best Regards, MichalSolved1.4KViews0likes3CommentsTest script gets stuck while looking for an object when script run via Network suite
I have used the waitProcess method to identify the process and perform some actions once the process is identified. Sys.WaitProcess("JWSMenu",5000) When I run this script on local , it works as expected. If the process does not show within the mentioned timeout returns an empty stub object and the next line of code is executed. But When I run the same test script via network suite in distributing test environment, Test complete keeps on looking for the process object for infinite time and test gets stuck at this line code..696Views0likes0CommentsHow to set up a connection between SQL and Test complete using C sharp script?
I am trying to use the below code in Test complete tool to read the data/table from SQL server. But I am unable to get the connection between the two. I guess I need to set up a DSN link but not sure how to do that either. Since I am very new to SQL server so need some guidance. // Access via analogues of Delphi ADO objects function TestSQL_ADO() { var aTable, S, i; // Creates a table //aTable = ADO["CreateADOTable"](); // Specifies the database name aTable["ConnectionString"] = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=NameOfMyDSN"; // Specifies the table name aTable["TableName"] = "Tables"; // Opens the table aTable["Open"](); aTable["First"](); // Retrieves field names S = ""; for (i = 0; i < aTable["FieldCount"]; i++) S = S + aTable["Field"](i)["FieldName"] + "\t"; S = S + "\r\n"; // Scans dataset records while (! aTable["EOF"]) { for (i = 0; i < aTable["FieldCount"]; i++) S = S + aTable["Field"](i)["AsString"] + "\t"; S = S + "\r\n"; aTable["Next"](); } // Outputs results Log["Message"]("Tables", S); // Closes the table aTable["Close"](); }654Views0likes0Comments