[Code Review] Error initializing changed files
Hi everyone, I encounter an error initializing issue which reason is that you have removed one or more files from workspace without notifying Subversion. The collaborator asks to resolve the workspace inconsistencies then try again. Server and client version are bothv14.3.14303. For some reasons, I need to rename a file which had been uploaded to Subversion when I finished review process by SmartBear last time. However, the SmartBear Collaborator thought that my workspace is inconsistent with that on Subversion because of renamed files (old named file is removed and new one is added). Are there any ways to avoid the issue other than removing the file on Subversion first? Thanks a lot in advance.271Views0likes0CommentsCode review created from Gitlab merge request is often being cancelled upon merging of the branch
We are using the Collaborator14.2.14205 services in our company. The services were upgraded a couple of months ago from a much earlier version of Collaborator (11.5). Unfortunately we are not admins, and so our visibility is limited. Our workflow relies heavily on the Gitlab integration, where we use the merge request workflow to generate Collaborator reviews. Unfortunately, we have found that quite often upon merging the branch associated with the merge request, the corresponding code review is cancelled. Our IT support has shared snippets of logs with us that indicate that the code review is being cancelled due to the merge request being closed. We are not, however, explicitly closing the merge request - we are simply merging the branch. If anyone has encountered this, and could share a solution, it would be much appreciated. Are there service configuration settings somewhere that would affect how Collaborator handles code reviews (created from Gitlab merge requests) upon merging of the branch.?264Views0likes0CommentsJSON request to get reviewers and reviewer responses
I am trying to figure out how to use the JSON API to return a list of reviewers and if they have approved the review. It seems that with the ReviewService.getParticipants command I can get a list of reviewer usernames, and with theReviewService.getReviewSummary command I can get a lot of information about the review (this seems to only show which reviewers have approved or commented on each file, without username). However, I want to just get a list of reviewer usernames and whether they have approved or not of the entire review, not file by file. Is this possible? Or to get a list of files with defects? Thanks in advance!453Views0likes0CommentsCollaborator issues displaying Excel xlsx documents
Hi everyone, Has anyone run into any issues with Collaborator only partially displaying .xlsx documents? Our environment uses the web client and when reviewing these documents, portions of the document are cut off. Does Collaborator only import cells with data in them? Are there any known issues with Collaborator and excel?563Views0likes0Comments