I am not able to get output of remote shell script from groovy script in soapui
for an example I have added below dummy code in shell file auto.sh - CURRENTDATEONLY=`date +"%b %d, %Y"` echo Current Date is: ${CURRENTDATEONLY} sleep 2 and calling above shell script auto.sh from groovy script in soapui def command = "C:/Program Files/PuTTY/putty.exe -ssh root@ip -pw passwd -m C:/auto.sh" log.info command def process = command.execute() def outputStream = new StringBuffer() def errorStream = new StringBuffer() process.consumeProcessOutput(outputStream, errorStream) process.waitFor() log.info("return code: ${process.exitValue()}") log.error("standard error: ${process.err.text}") log.info("standard out: ${process.in.text}" + outputStream.toString()) context.testCase.setPropertyValue("propertyName", outputStream.toString()) running above groovy script opens a new putty prompt and runs command as expected, but i am unable to capture the output in testCase propertyName o/p of groovy Tue Jan 19 16:13:47 IST 2021:INFO:C:/Program Files/PuTTY/putty.exe -ssh root@ip -pw passwd -m C:/auto.sh Tue Jan 19 16:13:54 IST 2021:INFO:return code: 0 Tue Jan 19 16:13:54 IST 2021:ERROR:standard error: Tue Jan 19 16:13:54 IST 2021:INFO:standard out: it would be great if someone can help me how to capture the o/p and store it in testcase property please correct me if something is wrong with codeSolved3KViews0likes4Comments