Interactive API Docs / POST body data omitted using consumes 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
Steps to duplicate: Take for example this api which defines a method capable of consuming application/x-www-form-urlencoded andtext/plain: POST /method/Inventory_Item_StockSiteQuantity_Get Enter the 3 required fields as follows: CompanySN:20091102165026*177 ticket:d5fef8e5-a3d3-456e-b4a9-5203c947ee97 body: blah blah blah With parameter content-type set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and click 'Try this out'. Notice the -d parameter in the curl command is missing. curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --header "Accept: application/json" "*177" With parameter content-type set to text/plain click 'Try this out'. Notice the -d parameter is set properly. curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: text/plain" --header "Accept: application/json" -d "blah blah blah" "*177" Is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your assistance.Solved6.7KViews0likes6CommentsSwaggerHub - Interactive API Docs 'Try it out!' does not return results
I have an API that validates and produces results using the Try this Operation / 'Send Request' button in the application However, the same API definition does not produce results through SwaggerHub / Interactive API Docs tab / 'Try it out!' and SwaggerHub / Editor tab / Send Request. The screen does not report any errors it just shows the animated elipsis forever. Should I expect those features to work? If it were a cross origin issue I would expect the application to fail also. My cors header exceptions are not specific to but are wide open. Thanks for any help you can provide. Lovely tool!Solved7.2KViews0likes7Comments