HipTest integration
Hey there ! I have some troubles with Fetching data from Enterprise CucumberStudio/HipTest project into Automation Framework When i run hiptest-publisher --token=<MY TOKEN KEY> I am getting this error, even if the token is correct [x] Fetching data from CucumberStudio No project found with this secret token.% Also i tried to generate hiptest-publisher.conf file manually with those parameters token = <MY TOKEN KEY> not_recursive = false split_scenarios = false with_folders = true keep_filenames = false keep_foldernames = false empty_folders = false leafless_export = false no_uids = false with_dataset_names = false language = cucumber output_directory = './src/test/resources/features/hiptest' framework = java site = <MY ENTERPRISE PROJECT WEBSITE URL> step_definitions_output_directory = './src/test/java/stepDefinitions/hipTest' actionwords_output_directory = './src/test/java/stepDefinitions/hipTest' package = "stepDefinitions.hipTest" But getting this error : [v] Fetching data from CucumberStudio [x] Caching data: /<path to the project>/.hiptest-publisher/cache/300ca50a3a120ddaad5956cacc171c43-1684160170 [x] Extracting data Versions: installed hiptest-publisher-3.2.0 ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [x86_64-darwin21]699Views0likes0Commentshiptest-publisher push junit results
I have some existing test cases in CucumberStudio (on premise Hiptest branding) that are shells for recording an IT's success, while I have some corresponding Selenium/Junit ITs in CI. I would like to publish the junit xml results against the corresponding ITs. Is there a way to do this? I can't find much information about how hiptest-publisher works, it's a black box to me. So far my only success with it has been to download a feature file w/ uids, and publish the json results, but that's a different project.1.1KViews0likes0Comments