How can I assert a json parameter in Request with a XML response through Script Assertion in Soap UI
I am using SoapUI version 5.3.0 My Application have a couple of RESTful APIs. I am sending multiple request to a WebService in the form of a json request as below: { "app_key":"i8gAVDwcAq40n2kAv6Ox+w==", "targetDB":"${#TestCase#TARGET_DB}", "createNew": "true" } The response from the WebService is as follows: <StartDataExtractResult xmlns="" xmlns:i=""> <StatusCode>1</StatusCode> <StatusText>success</StatusText> <RequestNumber>101</RequestNumber> </StartDataExtractResult> I am using a Groovy Script to generate a dynamic name for "targetDB" as follows: def targetdb = ((context.expand('${#TestCase#TARGET_DB}') ?: 100) as Integer) + 1 "Target db for current request : ${targetdb}" context.testCase.setPropertyValue('TARGET_DB', targetdb.toString()) I have designed my Test data in such a way that passing the parameter of the 'targetdb' as "101" will result in the RequestNumber tag set to "101" in the response. Now I want to add an assertion to check if the RequestNumber tag contains the same value as of the variable "${#TestCase#TARGET_DB}" (sent in Request json) . To achieve that I wrote a Script Assertion as follows: def groovyUtils = new def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(messageExchange.responseContent) holder.namespaces["ns1"] = "" def nodeRequestNumber = holder.getNodeValue("//ns1:RequestNumber") assert nodeRequestNumber != null if(nodeRequestNumber=="${TARGET_DB}") { "Pass" } else { "Fail"} But I am getting an error as: No such Property: TARGET_DB for class: Script 53 Can any one help me out please?Solved5.6KViews0likes6Commentscan I use SoapUI to query cloud hosted CRM SaaS database?
I am going to be using SoapUI to test the publication of SOAP messages from Microsoft Dynamics CRM across an ESB to a web service on a remote system. Part of my testing in this scenario would be to query the database at both ends of the flow and so using SoapUI, I'd typically use the JDBC test step to facilitate this. This will NOT work with my current project because MS Dynamics is being run as a SaaS so we cannot setup direct connections to query the CRM's database (we can't use something like MS Enterprise Manager suite to query the Dynamics CRM's underlying SQL Server database) we are constrained to use an application like XRMToolBox (FetchXMLBuilder browser plugin) to query an 'entity layer' that represents the underlying database. I am wondering if anyone has integrated the use of an application like XRMToolBox (FetchXMLBuilder) with SoapUI to query this entity layer rather than the underlying tables? I can use SoapUI to parse the message content that is published to the ESB and I can manually run the queries using XRMToolBox, however if I want to automate my tests this is going to be a problem because I can't use the JDBC test step - hence the reason I'm asking if anyone has managed to use something like FetchXMLBuilder to query the 'entity layer' within SoapUI. I'd welcome any comments, Thanks in advance,1.5KViews0likes0Commentsscript assertion
i need to validate many assertions in same script assertion. But when any one of assert fails, runner stops there itself and control passed to next step. Below is my case assert (1 ==1) "1" assert (1 == 2) "2" assert (1 ==3) "3" When i execute the above, 2nd assertion fails and third assertion did not executed at all. Is there is any way to validate all assertions.1.4KViews0likes2CommentsHow to automate AWS SQS pooling and find for a file using SOAP UI
Steps1: login to Aws Step2: navigate to SQS Step3: click on any queue Step4: then click on "Send and receive messages" Step5: Click on "poll for messages" and check for the latest message Step 6: Go inside file and validate the content1.2KViews0likes4CommentsAssertion result handling
Hello, Within a project I have 2 test suites (A and B). Groovy TestStep (from B) calls REST TestStep (from A) Project TestSuite A TestCase A TestSteps REST TestStep TestSuite B TestCase B TestSteps Groovy TestStep When I run groovy TestStep and the REST server is not up (Connection refused) the assertions configured on REST TestStep (A) not setting the assertion's message or error status. If I open (double click) on the GUI the TestStep (A) first and then run Groovy TestStep then I got the status. Why??? Mon Jan 24 11:43:58 CET 2021:INFO:Test step name: REST TestStep - POST method Mon Jan 24 11:43:58 CET 2021:INFO:Assertable Mon Jan 24 11:43:58 CET 2021:INFO:Assertion (Valid HTTP Status Codes) status: UNKNOWN Mon Jan 24 11:43:58 CET 2021:INFO:Assertion (Contains) status: UNKNOWN Mon Jan 24 11:43:58 CET 2021:INFO:Assertion (JsonPath Count) status: UNKNOWN Mon Jan 24 11:43:58 CET 2021:INFO:Assertion (JsonPath Existence Match) status: UNKNOWN Mon Jan 24 11:43:58 CET 2021:INFO:Assertion (JsonPath Existence Match) status: UNKNOWN Mon Jan 24 11:43:58 CET 2021:INFO:Test step final result: FAILED Mon Jan 24 11:43:58 CET 2021:INFO:Response Content: <missing response> Mon Jan 24 11:43:58 CET 2021:INFO:Test step result: FAILED ==> Test not passed Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:Test step name: REST TestStep - POST method Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:Assertable Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:Assertion (Valid HTTP Status Codes) status: FAILED Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:-> Error message: Status code extraction error! Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:Assertion (Contains) status: UNKNOWN Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:Assertion (JsonPath Count) status: FAILED Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:-> Error message: null/empty response Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:Assertion (JsonPath Existence Match) status: FAILED Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:-> Error message: null/empty response Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:Assertion (JsonPath Existence Match) status: FAILED Mon Jan 24 11:54:08 CET 2021:INFO:-> Error message: null/empty response Mon Jan 24 11:54:09 CET 2021:INFO:Test step final result: FAILED Mon Jan 24 11:54:09 CET 2021:INFO:Response Content: <missing response> Mon Jan 24 11:54:09 CET 2021:INFO:Test step result: FAILED ==> Test not passed360Views0likes0Comments