com.testdroid.api.APIException: Failed to submit test run! No device model matching pattern
I'm New to bit-bar. I'm trying to automation mobile native application, When run my test case with below desired capabilities, I'm getting Message: com.testdroid.api.APIException: Failed to submit test run! No device model matching pattern '%Samsung Galaxy A50 2019 SM-A505FN' available My Desired capabilities: {"bitbar_apiKey": "<my Key>", "bitbar_device": "Samsung Galaxy A50 2019 SM-A505FN", "bitbar_app": "<my app id>", "platformName": "Android", "appPackage": "", "appActivity": "app.ui.HomeActivity", "deviceName": "Android Phone", "bitbar_project": "WB-BitBar-POC", "bitbar_testrun": "Scree", "automationName": "uiautomator2", 'appPackage': '', 'appActivity': 'app.ui.HomeActivity'} I have tried both driver = webdriver.Remote("", capabilities) and browser.driver = webdriver.Remote("", capabilities) Any help on this would be appreciated.677Views0likes0CommentsHow to access result files from test
Hello, I am using Appium + AltUnity + Python script to run test on mobile devices. Test generates some kinds of result files (txt, raw, png). These files are pulled out from device by Appium to directory on the same level as test script (image of local run result in attachment). But I didn't find these files on result Bitbar web page. How can I access and download these files? Is some API for download these files? Thanks for response.Solved2.5KViews0likes2Comments