Problem referencing component definitions from another spec in the same repo
I'm trying to reference component from another spec in the same project/folder of my repository, but I'm getting errors like this one: Resolver error at paths./participantInfo/{certificateNo}.get.responses.200.content.application/$ref Could not resolve reference: Failed to fetch Jump to line 114 Anyone knows if I can achieve this or whats wrong with my spec? components: schemas: ParticipantData: type: object required: - personnalInfoData - policyProductData - holdingsData properties: personnalInfoData: $ref: 'https://git.ssq.local/projects/SSQAP/repos/ssq-api-spec/raw/rcu-api.yaml#/components/PersonnalInfoData' policyProductData: $ref: 'https://git.ssq.local/projects/SSQAP/repos/ssq-api-spec/raw/groupinsurance-policy-product.yaml#/components/PolicyProduct' holdingsData: type: array items: $ref: 'https://git.ssq.local/projects/SSQAP/repos/ssq-api-spec/raw/groupinsurance-holding.yaml#/components/HoldingData'Generate Spring code stubs with 3.0 annotations
Hi all, I am researching the design-first approach for a large-scale Spring Boot project. That implies using either SwaggerHub or a dedicated tool (swagger-codegen or openapi-generator). My input is an OpenAPI 3.0 spec. The resulting stubs are fine, but they very clearly use OpenAPI 2.0 code annotations. Is there a way or a tool that would generate stubs with OpenAPI 3.0 annotations? I looked far & wide but could not find one so far. Cheers,