function TestURL() { var p = Sys["Find"]("ProcessName", "iexplore"); while (p["Exists"]) p["Close"](); //Browsers.Item(btfirefox).Run(""); Browsers.Item(btIExplorer).Run(); { inputData = DDT.ExcelDriver("//speapps/MIS/ITSS/ITQA/Automated Testing/GRANT ACCESS/QAURL.xlsx", "Tab1", true) while(!inputData.EOF()) { var browser = Sys["Browser"]("*"); var page = browser["Page"]("*"); Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Navigate(inputData.Value("URL")) var str = "*error-server-side*"; // Note that we used the * wildcards to specify the search pattern // Searches for the text in the page //obj = page["NativeWebObject"]["Find"]("contentText", str); //obj = page.Find("className", "*error-server*", 10); obj = page["Find"]("className", "*error-server*", 10); // Checks the result if (obj["Exists"]) //Log["Message"]("Object containing text '" + str + "' is found", obj["FullName"]); Log["Warning"]("Web Page Outer HTML '" + str + "' is found on '" + (inputData.Value("URL")) + "' "); else //Log["Warning"]("Object containing text '" + str + "' was not found."); Log["Event"]("Web Page Outer HTML '" + str + "' was not found '" + (inputData.Value("URL")) + "' "); inputData.Next(); } } var p = Sys["FindChild"]("ProcessName", "iexplore"); while (p["Exists"]) p["Close"](); }