schema { query: Query } type Tweet { id: ID! # The tweet text. No more than 140 characters! body: String # When the tweet was published date: Date # Who published the tweet Author: User # Views, retweets, likes, etc Stats: Stat } type User { id: ID! username: String first_name: String last_name: String full_name: String name: String @deprecated avatar_url: Url } type Stat { views: Int likes: Int retweets: Int responses: Int } type Notification { id: ID date: Date type: String } type Meta { count: Int } scalar Url scalar Date type Query { Tweet(id: ID!): Tweet Tweets(limit: Int, skip: Int, sort_field: String, sort_order: String): [Tweet] TweetsMeta: Meta User(id: ID!): User Notifications(limit: Int): [Notification] NotificationsMeta: Meta } type Mutation { createTweet ( body: String ): Tweet deleteTweet(id: ID!): Tweet markTweetRead(id: ID!): Boolean }