Forum Discussion

qa1's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Reports - filter by env in test cycle

Hi. When I make a traceability report, 

I used a test cycle filter, make condition with environment. 

But Suddenly from today, the environment filter doesn't work

Please see the report link which was worked by yesterday but not today.

When I remove the environment statement, it works. 


https://Ourdomain/projects/TQA?selectedItem=com.atlassian.plugins.atlassian-connect-plugin:com.kanoah.test-manager__main-project-page#!/reports/traceability/report/view?tql=testResult.projectId%20IN%20(10104,10157,10159)%20AND%20testCase.onlyLastTestResult%20IS%20true%20AND%20testResult.environmentName%20IN%20(%27qa%27) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

1 Reply

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    I'll try to help.


    I don't see Environment as an option in the Traceability report.  I'm on the Cloud version and if you are too it would seem that the Environment parameter has been removed?


    I note that your report code specifies multiple projects and maybe that's got something to do with it.  You could try removing some of the project IDs to see if that points to where the problem lies.


    Otherwise, you could try the SmartBear support team for help.