Forum Discussion

rndasa's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

clicking action taking long time in testComplete11.2

Consuming 50 sec to 70 sec for performing CLICK event on an identified web element in TestComplete 11.2

9 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    What sort of element? What are the properties? What code are you executing?


    Depending upon what's going on, it could be that the "Click" is not executing because there are other things that need to complete before the method is available... for example, if the component on the page doesn't exist yet, there are some built in "wait" routines that check to see if the item is ready to be interacted with before it proceeds.

    If you can post the script code you are executing or a screenshot of your keyword test, perhaps a screenshot of the component you are interacting with as rendered, and even a screenshot of the component properties are they are recognized in the TestComplete object browser, we can probably find a solution for you.

    • rndasa's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      It is a check box click, here is code snippet:





      if (checkBox.checked == true) {
      Log.Message(metaDataLabel[i] + " is available on the application---");
      matchSuccess("'" + metaDataLabel[i] + "' column metadata is in CHECKED state by default.");
      } else {

      Log.Message(metaDataLabel[i] + " is available on the application---");
      matchFaliure("'" + metaDataLabel[i] + "' column metadata is in UNCHECKED state by default.");
      // checkBox.ClickChecked(true);
      matchSuccess("Now '" + metaDataLabel[i] + "' column metadata made into CHECKED state.");

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        Interesting... but still not giving me enough info... What, exactly is "checkbox"?  How is it mapped? It's obvious you're running this through some sort of loop with an index i  so there's other processing happening somewhere to identify "checkbox".  Is your namemapping using extended find?  Are you doing a FindChild or Find call to determine checkbox? 

        There are a number of things that would factor into determining what can be done to an object.  Also, I think there is some other side of things going on... the log entry for an event I don't think happens ON the click but on when "Click" returns... so... you're clicking on the checkbox... what happens next?  Are there things that are happening in the web application that clicking the checkbox triggers that it needs to wait for it to return before it continues?

        Other questions:

        Is this a new problem that just started happening or is this something that's been going on for a while? If it just started happening, what has changed since it last worked?

        In short: There are a LOT of factors in automated testing that affects performance.  Yes, a "click" action should be pretty simple... but just reading between the lines of your code tells me that there is not-simple stuff going on both in your script code as well as in the application that could have an effect on your timing.

        In short short... need more info.