Forum Discussion

LoneWanderer04's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Vis.js graph testing using TestComplete

Hello everybody!

I'm working on a piece of software that has vis.js graphs implemented.   The most I can get from non-calculated fields is the X and Y offset as they are represented in the vis.js graph itself, so -250, -50 with 0,0 being the center of the graph.  Does anybody know any way to get TestComplete to be able to recognize the offsets at the very minimum, or any other more efficient way of testing a graph?  

By default it's clicking at the pixel coordinates I pass into Click or HoverMouse, so -250, -50 is off the graph when I try to FindElement on the graph element, then pass in those coordinates to Click or HoverMouse. The other issue is that I can't use pixel coordinates because we want this to run on multiple computers if possible, so the pixel coordinates would be different on each, causing unexpected actions.

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