Forum Discussion

iamraj09's avatar
8 years ago

Suggestion for copying the Test cases

Hello Team Smart Bear,


We have been working with Test Complete for the past 2 years and it has been very good experience till now.  But one thing which is a bit annoying is, when ever we copy a Test case or Test step and paste it in another Test folder in the same project, there would be an under score and a number just beside that test element.


And lets say if there is a similar Test with different parameters which has some 20 or 50 test steps in that, if we copy and paste it, then we need to clear all the under scores and numbers which is quite annoying. Is there any way such that we can avoid this ? If there is no such possibility, could you take this as a suggestion or a request and introduce it as a new feature in the next coming version.   



Best Regards,


7 Replies

  • sdahiya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I also support this suggestion and would like to have this feature soon.

    Additionally, It would be great if there is possiblity to copy test items from one project

    into another project.



    • leandropoblet's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Thought I was the only one thinking that's a ridiculous limitation.....


  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    What is the primary difference between Combination 2.8 and the new test you want to create that requires the copy and paste?  The reason I ask is that, if they are THAT similar, perhaps rather than creating two different test items it would be better to develop a single test item which will execute both sets of scripts using some main routine that calls the same set of scripts twice with different parameters or something.  While you aren't copying "code" per se, the effect is the same.  You now have two test items you need to maintain and make sure that, when you alter code for one, you don't adversely impact the other.

  • william_roe's avatar
    Super Contributor


    With more than 500 test we have been struggling with this very same thing. The only thing we have come up with is after copying we use NotePad++ to carefully do a search and replace on "_"1. Major PITA but better than changing through the UI.



    How do you pass a parameter to a sub item which itself is not a test? The keyword tests themselves have the parameter which varies at the top level sub item.

    • NisHera's avatar
      Valued Contributor


      "How do you pass a parameter to a sub item which itself is not a test?"

      This senario comes when you designe a test A and find later that changing a sub item could cater for test B
      Occationally that could be happen and I think it's OK to create A_1 test once in a while
      But if 500 tests, isn't it a problem with test A?

      • william_roe's avatar
        Super Contributor

        NisHera Test A is not the question at hand -- tests can be called via parameters -- item cannot. When 'Items' are used to manage the the flow of the copied items are appended with "_1".