Forum Discussion

SamuraiJack's avatar
15 years ago

Relocating table objects in non static table in checkpoints

We're trying to regression test a billing history page.  The page contents are not static so objects in one location for property checkpoints are in different locations later on.  We still want to verify the older entries are correct.

Example after change

Old Property Checkpoint Object:

 Aliases.iexplore.pageBilling.formAspnetform.tableBodytable.cellContentarea.panel.table.cell.panelPrintme.panelCtl00Maincontentplaceholder.panel.table1.cell.panel.tableCtl00Maincontentplaceholder.cell3.panel172010.innerText  , 0, "1/7/2010 ", False, 2

New Property Checkpoint Object:

 Aliases.iexplore.pageBilling.formAspnetform.tableBodytable.cellContentarea.panel.table.cell.panelPrintme.panelCtl00Maincontentplaceholder.panel.table1.cell.panel.tableCtl00Maincontentplaceholder.cell6.panel172010.innerText  , 0, "1/7/2010 ", False, 2

The data is driven from our DB, and the table is jscript generated, and of course the panel # is based on the data in that cell.  I looked at the help pages for Tables -- Parsing but it didnt seem to help.  My theory is I'm going about this the wrong way.


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