Forum Discussion

theodoros_kosif's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

Reading variables for Testcomplete project from excel or csv files


I am running a project which need to initialize all the variables from different tests. Is that possible with an excel file or csv file? 

I am reading in the help files or the resources which smartbear providing by its site but the information it's a little chaotic.

The scope is to run the init file with the wanted values of the variables and the Project test run with the new values. All the variables are project variables.

Thanks in advance

4 Replies

  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    HI wat u mean by " initialize all the variables from different tests" does the test are from same project or different projects?? if u want to run testitem from differenct project then u can add to current project using  Scripts|Add Existing Item
  • MikeSchmid's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    You can use the DDT excel driver to open a spreadsheet and read through the row and set your variables to the contents of what is in the spreadsheet for your initial variables.

    Look up DDTDriver Object in the help and it explains how to use it.
  • sumit_engineer's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    FilePath = "C:\Envi.ini"


    Section = "Environment"



    Function Read_INI(Section,FilePath)



    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    If FSO.FileExists(FilePath) Then

    Set ini = Storages.INI(FilePath)

    ProjectPhase = ini.GetSubSection(Section).GetOption("ProjectPhase","")



    Read_INI = False

    End If

    End EnviFunction

    NOTE : 1.Make Sure in your Enviormnet.ini File [ROOT] is added on the first line .

    2.No Space betweeen ProjectPhase and  = 1 .




