Forum Discussion

hiregoudar_maha's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Not able to identify the objects

Hi All,

I am not able to identify the objects in my application.

My application is built with Delphi and Developer express components

When I tried to spy the objects like  menubar  it is showing the classname as TdxBarControl  where it is grouping more then one menu buttons and for combobox the class name TAbcElSubDBEdit but in this calss I am not able to find the select method.

please help me where I am going wrong or any addins need to be added ?



5 Replies

  • hiregoudar_maha's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I gone through the link, as per link, objects should be present under "Object Mapping" section of "Current project properties" I saw all the objects are present and I also added the class to "Text Recognition" and tried to spy the objects. this is also not working.

    please help me how to identify the object and its methods.


  • NisHera's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    I also developing tests for Delphi application with Dev express components.

    Some times it's tricky and some stuff get to know by trial and error...

    For 'TdxBarControl' items can not be identified with objet spy.

    But if you record what you do, you will get some thing like".....Window.TdsDocControl1.BarControl.ClickItem("Custom 1|Apply",0)  "

    I have used ..ClickItem("Custom 1| Button name", 0)   

    didn't came across any problem with comboboxes....but if within grid , object spy will overlook unless activated (clicked on it).

    it's a good idea to recode what you want and see how object behave and get  good grip on how to manupulate them.
  • hiregoudar_maha's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    thank you for your help,

    1 In menu I am having 3 buttons and when I tried to spy, all 3 buttons are showing as one object, it is showing class name as TdxRibbonQuickAcessBarControl and I added this to "text recognition" and then it is giving one text object in object browser.

    2 when try to write code using this text object and tried to click on the textobject it not working it is giving error

    3 I also tried to record the clicking on menu item but while performing operation I am getting error as "This cannot be recorder properly because no debug symbols where found for it"

    please help me how to proceed

