Forum Discussion

madhavisri01's avatar
14 years ago

Mouse Over menu selection



We have problem  recognising and clicking Mouse Over menu items in we based application using Jscript.On doing mouse over action, menu will be populated and we need to choose  an option from the menu list.Once we click on the menu it will navigate us to the another page based on selection.We are unable to do a mouseover action on that particular menu.TC does a mouseover on someother place in the page.

Can you please help us how to automate them.Also it will  be great if you can share sample Jscript code.



1 Reply

  • Hello Madhavisri,

    There can be a few causes of the problem:

    1. The browser Zoom option is set to a value other than 100%. Make sure that the browser zoom is 100%

    2. You obtain an incorrect object in the script (due to using indexes and other unstable recognition parameters). To check if you get the correct object, call the Sys.HighlightObject method from your script just before hovering the menu item. TestComplete will highlight the object with a rectangle. If an incorrect object is highlighted, correct the recognition criteria (either in  Name Mapping, or in your script). 

    3. If the problem remains, it can be related to specifics of the page you are testing. In this case, we need to reproduce the situation with the problematic page here. Please send us the link to it.