Forum Discussion

guillaume's avatar
13 years ago

How to enable screenshots from test execution with Visualizer


I am working with both TC7 and TC8 at the same time.

The TC8 project we are using is configured to take screenshots of every events (click, keys, etc) while playback.

I have configured the Visualizer accordingly and everything is ok.

My question is how to do the same with TC7 ?

I have been looking for some docs but I can't find a way to make it work.

According to this url :

it may be possible but unfortunately, the link is not available anymore.

I managed to have picture while recording, and those picture are available in my script, but i need the same at run time.

Do you have any idea ?

Thanks in advance.


6 Replies

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor


    I got your point.

    As far as I remember, TestComplete 7 saved only one image for each user action. So, each time you run the test project, TestComplete replaces all the images with those that were taken at runtime. So, to see these pictures, do the following:

    1. Run the recorded project.

    2. Switch to the Keyword Test editor.

    3. Click the needed image icon shown in the gutter. This image will show the screenshot that is associated with the last test run.

    For more information, please refer to the Auto-Generating Screenshots During Test Recording and Running topic in the TestComplete 7 help file.

    I hope, this information helps :)

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor


    Have you tried enabling the Enable before playback project option? You can find it in the Visualizer Options dialog.

  • Hi Irina.

    Yes, I enabled the "Before playback" functionnality in the visualizer options window.

    I also enabled the "Before recording" one.

    I also created a small keyword test with basic on screen actions like click, keys and close.

    After I ran my test, some pictures appeared on the keyword test left column.

    Those picture are refreshed every time I run my test but I can't make them available in the execution log.

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Guillaume,

    As far as I understand, you want to see both images (captured at the recording and at the runtime) in the Test Log, right? If it's so, it's impossible as the described functionality was implemented in TestComplete 8.

  • Thanks for the answer Irina.

    It is almost what you said, indeed.

    I actually just want to see picture taken a runtime.

    But from what I have read, it might also be a TC8 feature.

    Am I right ?
  • Good, that is the information I was looking for.

    I am actually looking for a way to get those picture once, so we can create a sequence of picture

    to find out what was executed.

    I will either move to TC8 or access those visualiser image.

    At least, I can move on stop looking for the expected feature in TC7.

    Thanks again Irina.