Forum Discussion

sindhu10's avatar
7 years ago

Desktop application closes automatically during the script execution



Trying to do:

Automated few test scripts for the desktop application and during script execution the application closes automatically


for example: Script 1 to 10 automated trying to execute all 10 if it comes to Script 7 the desktop application closes and test complete results in msg : waiting for the application .


I couldn't stop test complete during this time and it keeps on giving the wait message .


How to resolve this please suggest.



11 Replies

  • Hi,


    During execution my project suite , TestComplete randomly hang on executing scripts.Afterwards I can’t do anything else than reboot /Log off my computer. In crashed test log there is no information what really happened.


    Please suggest.

    • Marsha_R's avatar
      Champion Level 3

      I combined your posts and moved them to this forum since they sound related and you mentioned desktop application (rather than web).


      When the application shuts down, is this part of your test or is it a crash that you aren't expecting?  In either case, what is very likely happening is that TestComplete has gone on to the next line in the test and the application isn't there.  We need to help you fix the timing, but let us know first if the shutdown is intentional or not.

      • sindhu10's avatar



        Thanks ! no its not the expected one ..