Forum Discussion

mrouse's avatar
13 years ago

Data generation generating invalid Data

Hello all,

I have noticed that in my Excel (2010) spread sheets generated by the data generator, involving Phone numbers and Social Security numbers theres a problem causing me to manually fix the incorrect entries. Eventhough intermittant it is still irritating when the test dies.  In the SSN and Phone fields I'll be missing one or two and rarely three digits at the end of the number and of course the application I am testing objects strongly to invalid Phone numbers and SSN's.  Has anyone else run into this.

I'm running TestComplete8.70.727.7.

Thanks for any help you can offer


4 Replies

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Hi Micheal,

    We failed to reproduce the same behavior in our test lab.

    Please provide us with screenshots of the following windows with the settings that are used to generate your spreadsheet:

    the "Data Generator Options" window and those with the configurations of each column you specified.

    Also, please send us the problematic Excel file generated by the Data Generator wizard.
  • Hi Tanya,

    In following your directions I discovered that it was not TestComplete that is causing the problem. 

    TestComplete generates phone numbers and SSNs (SocialSecurity numbers) correctly.  However, since the application I am testing does not like the hyphens (-), I have to remove them since the data generator does not have a configuration for a phone number/SSN without hyphens.  When I remove the hyphens using MS Excel's search & replace is when the digits fall off intermittently.




  • Hi Micheal,

    In this case, you can use the Custom String data type. Specify the following regular expressions for the corresponding fields:

    SSN: [0-9]{3} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{4}

    Phone: [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{4}

  • David,

    Thank you.  That is exactly what I needed and it works great.  This saves me a lot of time.
