Forum Discussion

kathir_43's avatar
3 years ago

Create test items during runtime

we have developed a framework combination keyword and data driven framework. The Framework will have main class which will looks for the test case which marked as Yes and execute the corresponding Keywords. The Keywords will basic modules like login , logout ..etc .The test data will be mapped to the Testcase and will be passed on run time. Under Execution entity we have only one class (i.e. scripts/main).

Our need is to perform the parallel distributed testing in multiple machines through Jenkins server. we have created a job by following the documentation below:

 Able to successfully configure machines but on execution the same test case is getting executed in both machines.

Sample scenario



Is it possible to create Multiple Test Items based on Number of Testcases marked Yes? Can someone throw insights for this problem??


  • Yes. Possible with indirect methods. If you share framework, I can suggest achieving this. 

5 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    No, it is not possible to dynamically create Test Items during runtime in TestComplete.

    Also I am not aware that TestComplete supports partial execution of Test Items tree during parallel execution. (I.e. when first test box starts first test item, second test box starts second test item and then test box picks next test item from the execution plan when it (test box) is done with execution of its test item -- this is not supported.)

    The idea that I have of top of my head is to add some logic to your framework, so that depending on the number of available test boxes, each of them picked up only its portion of enabled tests.

    E.g., considering two test boxes available, the first box would execute only odd tests and the second box would execute only even tests out of common list of enabled tests.


    • AlexKaras's avatar
      Champion Level 3

      One more possible option is to assign tags to tests and them execute only relevant tests on each of test execution boxes.


  • mkharsha's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Yes. Possible with indirect methods. If you share framework, I can suggest achieving this. 

    • kathir_43's avatar

      I had given framework architecture above and wont be able to share framework outside of organization network. You are referring to indirect methods .. can you give some details around it?