Forum Discussion

uberbner's avatar
Occasional Contributor
15 years ago

Accessing all Projects contained in current Projet Suite by Script

Hi all,

I have written some utility scripts, that for example can parse the testcomplete LogItems of a project and export them to Excel. At the moment, I have a copy of those utility scripts in each project in the ProjectSuite. What I would like to do is to aggregate those scripts in one new project called "utillity". The problem coming with that is, that it seems that there is no way to acces other projects inside the ProjectSuite from one specific project.

Is there any "ProjectSuite.getProjectByName()" Method included in TestComplete yet that would help to solve the issue? I could not find anything simillar yet!

Thanks and regards,


4 Replies

  • Hello Uli,

    Have you had a look into the help topic, "Calling Routines Declared in Another Project"? 

    If yes did it not serve your purpose?

    Thank you


  • uberbner's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Syed and thanks for your reply, but I think it won't help me solving my current problem...

    What I need to do is to acces TestItems and LogItems inside project A from a script stored in project B. Is there any way to do that? What I have not tried yet is to use the Testcomplete COM object - pobably this would work. But I am still looking for an easier more straight forward way to do this...

    Thanks so far,

  • Hi,

    Sharing scripts among projects will work fine. When a shared script is executed, it has access to the current project (the one in which it is called), not to the one it is declared in.