Forum Discussion

Florian_Hofmann's avatar
7 years ago

run tests from command line/batch file and publish results at TFS


if I understood/remember correctly, at tuesday's 301 webinar it was said that one would run TC tests from Team Foundation Server via command line.


Doing so has proven the most simple and straight solution for me, i.e. I use a TFS build step "Batch script" with a file to specify project suite and project, passing other arguments as needed.

Now I'm wondering if it's possible to publish results afterwards.


I only found it was possible after other kind of steps, but with such solutions, I performed worse at executing tests...I once accomplished integrating TC testcases into Visual Studio, and used the TFS step "Visual Studio Test" with the .tc12test items to run the tests, but this turned out somehow awkward (I had to reload the tests in VS after I changed them in TC), and suddenly it started causing some "HRESULT: 0x80010108 (RPC_E_DISCONNECTED)" error without me remembering doing anything different.

So I'n not too keen on trying the "run functional test" build step, especially if batch scripts might do the trick.


Thanks in advance,



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