Forum Discussion

rancan's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Undefined SerialPort

Hi,    I am a beginner in both TestComplete and Scripting (Java).    I am trying to send sequence and read the com port of a device using TestComplete.  I found the code on this page: https://su...
  • Wamboo's avatar
    5 years ago

    Welcome to TestComplete world!:)


    "I am a beginner in both TestComplete and Scripting (Java). "


    First, this is JavaScript, not Java ;)


    "'Cannot read property 'SerialPort' of undefined."


    Did You try to do steps from the documentation? You can find there this thread.


    "The System.IO.Ports namespace is included in the system.dll assembly. This assembly is registered in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). In order to use the namespace in scripts, register this assembly in the CLR Bridge Options page of the Project Properties editor:"


    Let me know if this helps You.