Forum Discussion

endorium's avatar
Frequent Contributor
8 years ago

Testcomplete on virtual machine with access to licence server

At my place of work we have 7 test complete licenses and have a license server.

For automated of build testing we want test complete to run on a virtual machine to run against new builds every night.


Problem is for security the virtual machines run on a different network to the license server.


How can I get test complete running on the virtual machine? Do I need a node locked license that is VM unlocked for just the one virtual machine? I presume there is some way to work around my issue?


8 Replies

  • baxatob's avatar
    Community Hero

    You need floating license enabled for virtual machine.

    License manager also can be launched on the virtual machine in your testing network.

    • endorium's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Thanks for the reply. So can licence manager be run on the same virtual machine as test complete?

      Security is extremely high in our industry so the virtual machine will have limited access to anything else.


      I had read somewhere a node locked license can be tied into the virtual machine and the MAC address of the virtual machine? Is this possible (I am aware the MAC address would have to remain consent)?

      • endorium's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        Also I should add virtual machine has no external internet access either