Forum Discussion

Shreedhan's avatar
Occasional Contributor
15 years ago

TC 7.5 does not work in a desktop application


I am very new to Testcomplete and I guess this is the right place to ask the questions.

I've a desktop application which simply creates a purchase order. I used TC 7.5 to create a new purchase order. The script is generated properly. When I run the script, it opens up the window and fills the form but I find that, the values it enters in text-boxes are displayed in the screen only, not actually in the text-boxes. I can confirm that by copying whatever it has entered in the text-box to notepad. The values are spaces only, not the string it displayed in the screen.

So, I've not been able to move further.

Thanks in advance.

6 Replies

  • Hello Sreedhan,

    The immediate idea I get after reading your post is that your control on AUT might have been rendered in your application with a collection of objects and the object that you are filling your text into might not exactly be the object from where the application actually picks the text. If that is the case you ll have to figure our the exact object from where the text is picked up by the application and manipulate that objects property by your script.

    If that is not the case, there must be some other issue for which I would suggest you to post your script and if possible a screen shot of your application.

    Thank you

  • Shreedhan's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Ahmed for your reply.

    The object that I am
    filling the text into is the object from where the
    application picks the text.

    I found a workaround in this case. When I modified the text-box to be an editor in my application, it worked properly.

    Then I performed same actions for both text-box and editor type and the difference in the script was following:

    The text-box type had:

    proClientWin["ProFrame"]["Edit"]["wText"] = "asdf";

    And the editor type had:


    And the latter one worked for me. Is there any way to make the first one changed to second one ?

    Or, maybe make the first one work ?

    Thank you.

  • Hello Sreedhan,

    When you use "keys" method you are actually simulating the manual user action of entering the data in the field and when you use "wText" you are manipulating the property of the field. I see that you have used "keys" method for the editor and "wText" for the text field. Suggest you to try "keys" method on the text field and see if that helps.


  • Shreedhan's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thank you Ahmed for your suggestion to try "keys" method on the text field.

    How can I specify "keys" method on the text field while using "Keyword test" ?

    Do I need to always change the "wText" to "keys" manually ?

    Or is there any other way which I can use to tell TestComplete to use "keys" method instead of "wText" ?

    Thank you.

  • Hi Shreedhan,

    There is no an option that allows specifying whether the 'Keys' method should be used when recording tests. However, we have such a suggestion and will try to implement it in one of future versions of the tool.

  • Shreedhan's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thank you David. I hope this feature will be available in TestComplete very soon.