Forum Discussion

longchasen's avatar
6 years ago

Script Extension - Operation parameter and User form both showing

i created an extension and i have a following xml setup


<Parameter Name="Page"/>




<Column Name="Value" Editable="True" EditorType="Parameters"/>




<Event Name="OnSetup" Routine="verifyScreenShown_OnSetup"/>


Here's the code for the onSetup for form:

function verifyScreenShown_OnSetup(Data)
var frm =UserForms.frmVerifyScreen();
if (frm.ShowModal() != mrOk) {
return false;
Data.Alias = UserForms.frmVerifyScreen.txtScreenName.Text();

return true;


The problem is when a click VALUE field is first show the form then Operation parameter form, i expect the it will only show operation paramer on clicking VAlue field while the form on ther fields 

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