Forum Discussion

shankar_r's avatar
Community Hero
8 years ago

Running a a function with parameter in Command line

From Smartbear help document: The following command runs TestExecute, loads the specified project suite (MySuite.pjs) and tells TestExecute to run the Main script routine located in the Unit1 un...
  • shankar_r's avatar
    8 years ago

    So, Instead of calling function with parameter in Command line. I changed my aspect to get it done my requirement.


    Here is the function which i used and it's working fine.


    function InitiateExecution()
          var count_CL_Parameters = BuiltIn.ParamCount(); 
          var static_String_TC_NameAndEnv = "TestCaseName=";
          var currentTestCasenameAndEnv = "",arr_TC_Parameter = null;
                if(count_CL_Parameters > 3)//This part is for running from Test Complete/Execute Commandline
                      for(var a = 0 ; a <= count_CL_Parameters ; a++)
                            if(aqString.Find(BuiltIn.ParamStr(a),static_String_TC_NameAndEnv,0,true) != -1)
                                  currentTestCasenameAndEnv = BuiltIn.ParamStr(a);
                                  arr_TC_Parameter = currentTestCasenameAndEnv.split("=");
                                  if((arr_TC_Parameter != null) && (arr_TC_Parameter.length == 2))
                                        //CL_TestCaseName, CL_Environment are global variables
                                        CL_TestCaseName = GetCellValue.getNameFromValue(arr_TC_Parameter[1]);
                                        CL_Environment = GetCellValue.getCountFromValue(arr_TC_Parameter[1]);
                                        isCommandLine = true;
                                        throw "TestCaseName not found"  
                else//This part is for running from Test Complete/Execute manually
                      isCommandLine = false;
                ShowMessage("Error Occured: \n Parameters are missing : Format should be <Test Compelte/Execute Path> <Project Suite path> /r /e [TestCaseName=<value>[EnvironmentName]] \n Or Unkown error : " + ex.stack);

     It is may not be understandable since this function is part of Customized Data-driven framework which we are having in place.