Forum Discussion

rachelle's avatar
14 years ago

On screen object only displays 4 options

I am not sure why or when this is happening and it's getting me confused. I think name mapping has something to do with it and I am curious how to fix this.

Whenever I use the onscreen action and highlight a text box I previously used. Only 4 options are there





When I create a whole new project and highlight the same text box a whole variety of options appear like click, dblclick,wtext and so on.

I am curious why do I get only these 4 options when I use onscreen action?


I tried the automatically update name mapping but whenever I re-run my test it says that test engine failed to find the mapped object so I update the object and I re highlight the same object but it keeps saying




The parent object hierarchy of the selected object does not match the expected hierarchy. Please re-map the object manually to reflect the changes.




 I don't know why it prompts like that when I highlighted the exact object I used.

1 Reply

  • Hi,

    The target object doesn't exist or its recognition criteria are incorrect. Check your Name Mapping scheme (see the "Modifying Mapping Criteria" help topic) - use only those properties which have stable and unique values to recognize objects in your application.