Forum Discussion

prabhakarkallam's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Object Browser in test complete is not showing java process objects with childs


     i need to automate java desktop application from c#,java desktop application is running,iam not able to see childs and panels etc,if i run the belwo code.


iam using automatedqa.script and automatedqa.testcomplete.dll in c#

 as reference,please find the below code


here TestProjectRef.pjs is dummy project suit,there is no projects

RunTest("TestProjectRefsLogs", "TestProjectRef", @"C:\Users\..\Documents\PattabiSamples\TinyFrameworkLibrary\TinyFrameworkLibrary\TestProjectRef\TestProjectRef.pjs");
System.Console.WriteLine("Tiny Framework is UP!!");
var workflowHost;
var panel;
var pmsTextBox;
var p, w;
var PropArray, ValuesArray;
Process.Start(@"C:\Users\310275454\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\testcomplete_login\testcomplete_login\bin\Debug\testcomplete_login.exe");
workflowHost = Connect.Sys["Process"]("testcomplete_login");
if (workflowHost["Exists"])

PropArray = new var(new string[] { "awtcomponet" });
ValuesArray = new var(new string[] { "loginpanel" });
panel = workflowHost["FindChild"](PropArray, ValuesArray);

if (panel["Exists"])


please let me know what is the work around for this.





in the panel iam getting "no further information on this object could be discoverd