Forum Discussion

testbuilder's avatar
4 years ago

Is there any specific licensing for reviewing test complete scripts?

is there any specific test complete license just for someone to review the test scripts ?


We have a 2 node locked license and floating license. We are curious if our security team member can take look through our scripts without having test complete node locked/ floating license installed on their machines. Our scripts are checked in Azure Devops but we mostly have keyword tests. So im looking for a specific license that can give read only access to non testers





8 Replies

  • tphillips's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Are you talking specifically about scripts, or keyword tests?


    If it's just scripts (javascript, python etc) then you can just open then up in any editor and view them, no need to open them in testcomplete.


    Unfortunately keyword tests will have to be opened up in TestComplete, unless the security team are keen on opening up the for the keyword test in an editor too and mentally decoding the XML.

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    If you have a floating license, then why not let them access that one?  It's meant to be shared.  If you're worried about them editing the scripts, just don't give them access to check anything in to Azure.

    • testbuilder's avatar

      Thanks Marsha_R 


      Agree.. that was my proposed solution as well. But was curious if we have any other read only version of licenses available

      • Marsha_R's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        No read only access.  I think I put it in as a feature request a long time ago.  If I find it in the list you can vote it up.  🙂