Forum Discussion

mortenb's avatar
14 years ago

Executing Keyword tests via COM integration


I have been struggling some days now with getting a COM integration with Testcomplete 7 to work as I'd like.

What I have accomplished so far is creation of the IntegrationObject, opening a projectsuite and runnning script routines. When I try to run keyword tests however, the integration always says the item could not be found.

When I have my integrationobject and have opened the correct projectsuite, I have tried both

integrationObject.RunProjectTestItem("MBS SmokeTest", "InstallMBS");


integrationObject.RunProjectItem("MBS SmokeTest", "InstallMBS");

I am 100% sure that the projectname and projectitemname parameters are correct, but both of these statements results in COMException with the text: Unable to find the specified element. Project: MBS SmokeTest, ProjectTestItem: InstallMBS

Are you even supposed to be able to run Keyword tests from the COM integration?