Forum Discussion

googleid_105206's avatar
11 years ago

Unable to identify the web view control in javaFx application


we are  Working on Javafx windows  based application using TestComplete 9.3.  Some have on this application we have "web view" control. We could not able to point on this object when we spy on this object. We can see this object in object brower with follwing properties.

JavaClassName =WebView

JavaFullClassName = javafx.scene.web.WebView

We have to retrive the text which is displaying inside this web view obect.  But no propety showing to get the text. Even we can not hilight from Object browser.

How to make this happen?



1 Reply

  • rgratis's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    I have the same issue at the moment with one of our Java desktop applications and WebView with TestComplete 9.31.  The WebView component is not supported, so you cannot use TestComplete to access the content displayed inside the WebView.

    One workaround, if you have access to Web Testing, is to open the contained web page outside the application in a normal system browser.  I do not not believe TestComplete 10 has added support for WebView (someone who is using TC10 chime in please, as I have not upgraded to confirm).