Forum Discussion

amitdbest's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Unable to calculate the time requiered for page load

I am trying to get the time requiered for Page loading and time requiered for a particular operation to finish. I want to know how can I do it for the flex web application I am testing.

I serached for the 'IsReady' property but found it only on the first element of the hierarchy. This too is not successfull as the value changes to 4 in an instant and not when the last object has loaded. (I want to calculate the time requiered for teh last object to be loaded. I also dont know which is the last object which will be loaded)

The 'Mainform.lastChild' is not helpful as it also has the same problem.

My other requierement is that I need to get the time requiered for the application to be ready once I perform a Check-in operation on the DB. Which property of the UI do I need to check to achieve this?

(Attatched herby is the screen shot of the Object Browser.)