Forum Discussion

matthew_waywell's avatar
11 years ago

TestExecute 8 (out of memory issue)

We having been experiencing "out of memory" issues when using TestExecute 8 (and TestComplete 8) for a while now (typical PC spec: Windows 7 32-bit, 4Gb RAM, Intel dual core).

One thing we noticed was that test workstations using Windows Aero desktop themes almost always experienced "Out of memory" issues when playing back long scripts. We decided to revert to a Windows 7 Basic desktop theme and we have not received a single "out of memory" issue since - fantastic news!

Apologies if this has been noted elsewhere, but this issue has caused us significant frustration and if this post helps just one other person then it has been worthwhile!

2 Replies

  • Try using the "CollectGarbage ()" method or consider upgrading to TestComplete 10.

  • Ryan_Moran's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Passing large variables between units will also generate this error.

    Check to make sure you are not passing incredibly large variables from one unit to another.

    Edit: Also upgrade to the latest version of Test Complete if possible :).