Forum Discussion

sguda's avatar
Regular Contributor
14 years ago

Should we develop keyword test witout mapping the objects automatically.


I have question regarding name mapping.

To begin with should we develop the keyword tests with out namemapping objects automatically. Do i have to uncheck the map objects automatically.

B'e i think for me it is checked by default and it started developing the tests with mapping automatically. NOW ALSO IT IS LIKE THAT.

if i uncheck name mapping, and develop the test, if i develop the tests in version1 of application, will it work in version 2 also as long as nothing in the application changed .

Please clarify my question. i am trying to figure out which is the right way to develop the scripts.

2 Replies

  • Hi Sri,

    Using automatic name mapping is the default approach indeed, and I recommend that you use this approach until you have some real reasons to avoid using name mapping. Note that you can edit the name mapping scheme created automatically if some of the default recognition criteria are not reliable (see the "Modifying Mapping Criteria" help topic ( ) for more information). Also, I recommend that you see the help topics referenced in the "Managing Mapped Objects" ( ) topic for more information on how to manage a name mapping scheme.


    if i uncheck name mapping, and develop the test, if i develop the tests in version1 of application, will it work in version 2 also as long as nothing in the application changed


    It depends solely on the tested application. If the application's objects hierarchy and the values of properties used to recognize the objects are not changed, TestComplete should not face any difficulties with objects recognition. Otherwise, you will need to modify the name mapping scheme accordingly.

  • sguda's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Thank you for clarifying. i will look at that