Forum Discussion

royd's avatar
Regular Contributor
6 years ago

JavaScript runtime error. TypeError: browser.Page is not a function

When I run the following, I get an error:   function myTest(){ Browsers.Item("iexplore").Run(""); var browser = Browsers.Item("iexplore"); let page = browser.Page(...
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    6 years ago

    Ah, I see it... 

    Your browser variable is storing the browser item from the Browsers object... it's not actually referencing the running web browser because... you haven't actually run it yet.


    Misspoke.  So,  you are running the browser.  What you need to do then is assign your variable to the running system process.

    let browser = Sys.Browser('iexplore')


    Then you can call the page object all you want.