Forum Discussion

Maxter's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Issue with generated data



I just started using the generate data feature and it seems there is something I'm missing. I was able to generate a table of 12 columns and 2000 rows, I customized each column and everything looks fine in the variables tab.

Then I tried using the data in a recorded test case, by selecting the variable and the specific column I need for each field. None of the fields are being filled and I got the Exception in Test log:

'A row index must be an integer value'


Any idea what could be wrong here? thanks!

4 Replies

  • Maxter's avatar
    New Contributor

    Was able to figure out what the issue was, I was using this value in my test case:

    Variables.VendorFill("Vendor_Name", "") 


    the problem was the last quotation marks, it was expecting an integer for the row value. makes sense.

    I removed those "" and the test case run fine, but it is always trying to use the first row, and I need it to go through the whole table I created (2000 rows).

    Is there any automatic way to select a different row in each execution? if so, how can I do that?

