Forum Discussion

ischerbakov's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

How to read values from specific cells in the Flex datagrid with nodes?

Hello! I am working in the TestComplete 9.31.

I am working with Flex Advanced datagrid. This grid is set of nodes. Each node is containing one or few child-level lines. I know only ony value of proferty (FILE NAME), but does not know the node which I must expand. In the result I should find value of cell "STATUS" in the parent element.

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Unfortunatelly, I cannot (or don't know how to) get direct access by coordinates to the each cell of parent strings, I can only find them by properties. I can find cell with known File name ("ISSUE 3306" on the screenshot), but I have troubles with detecting of parent node which is containing this element.

I want to get access to elements of advanced datagrid by coordinates (like getText(string(1), subitem(1), cell("FILE NAME")).

Could you please say how I can get access to the elemetns for reading?


1 Reply

  • ischerbakov's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    The cell with STATUS is the following:


    Another cell with STATUS:


    But, it is too difficult to use this 'paths' in the practice, because indexes in the brackets cannot be calculated simply.