Forum Discussion

socaltester's avatar
7 years ago

How to add the following to my Project Suite?

I'm new to TestComplete and fairly new to scripting in general. I could use assistance in adding the following script to my Project Suite via a Keyword Test or if not a Keyword Test a standard script to be called. The issue to resolve is if an 'iexplore.exe' process is running it needs to be terminated prior to launching a new instance of IE.


The below script is found in this post:



//To run this function : i.e  fn_closeProcess("iexplore")


function fn_closeProcess(str_ProcessName)
      var arr_Processes = null;
      if(str_ProcessName != "")
            arr_Processes = Sys.FindAllChildren("ProcessName",str_ProcessName);
            if(arr_Processes != null)
                  for(var b = 0 ; b < arr_Processes.length ; b++)
            //if any missed process will finish off here
            var b_Object = Sys.WaitProcess(str_ProcessName, 1000);
                Log.Message("We have tried mutliple times to close the process [" + str_ProcessName + "] hence terminating the process.");
            var chkObj = Sys.FindChild("ProcessName",str_ProcessName);
                  return true;    
                  Log.Message("We have tried terminating the process [" + str_ProcessName + "] but no luck. Need to have a LOOK!");
                  return false;
      return false;



Thank you in advance for your assistance.


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