Forum Discussion

ChristianS's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

Exporting Webapplicationtest created in TestComplete to C# (Selenium)



after searching the forum, iam still at a loss about a certain function in regard to TestComplete.


As for the background, our Client`s customer support wants to "record" web application tests for there website and for usercases coming in via there Ticketsystem in Testcomplete. After that, the test should be delivered to us for further testing and troubleshooting.


We, however, only use Selenium with C# with MBUnit and/or Nunit. So to work with our client tests, we need a way to export the Testcomplete test into C#, preferable in "Selenese". Even if that means, that we have to go over the entire code and correct mistakes created by the import of the code/file.


- Am i correct in the assumtion, that TestComplete is not capable of exporting the recorded testcode into C# or, for that matter, any other language?


- Is there an export function for the "recorded" Testcode at all? (Sofar i come up empty.)


- Is there a way to change the testcode in TC itself? I tried it with loading Nunit/Selenium tests into TC, and there dont seem to be a way to "work" on the code, or even get it displayed, in TC itself. The codeexplorer shows the tests but no code at all. Am i just missed it, or is there no way to do it?


Appreciate any input on this, thanks in advance.






  • Hi Christian,


    There is no converter to convert TestComplete tests into Selenium ones. TestComplete can execute Selenium tests, but conversion is not possible. The internal objects' model of TestComplete and Selenium is too different and thus I am doubting that such converter will be created in the near future. The only option I can think of is to take TestComplete tests provided by the customer and rewrite them for Selenium.

3 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Christian,


    There is no converter to convert TestComplete tests into Selenium ones. TestComplete can execute Selenium tests, but conversion is not possible. The internal objects' model of TestComplete and Selenium is too different and thus I am doubting that such converter will be created in the near future. The only option I can think of is to take TestComplete tests provided by the customer and rewrite them for Selenium.

    • ChristianS's avatar
      New Contributor

      That answers my question. Thanks for your time.


      I will try to find an internal workaround for that. Worst case, we also have enought "normal" applications that deserve testing, even if we cant use it in this specific case.